Max Merry School
(A Co.ed Senior Secondary CBSE Affiliated School)
CBSE Affiliation No-531792


  • Facility


Junior Classrooms


Formal education system based on NCERT syllabus introduced through innovative teaching methodologies keeping students learning needs in mind.

Senior Classrooms


Designed with an aim to help young minds grow and acquire learning experiences in an innovative and creative manner.Spacious, well furnished and comfortable classrooms provide an ambience to learn


Computer Lab


To shape the young minds into architects of tomorrow’s technical world.

Composite Science Lab


To explore the relation between concrete and abstract.

Maths Lab


It enables students to learn and explore mathematical concepts and verify facts and theorems.

Beyond The Classrooms

Activity Rooms


Well equipped and spacious rooms encourage the natural talent of the student to be exhibited and hone their flair and skill to create panache.

Dance Room

To develop communication between the body and the soul and express what we cannot say in words

Music Room

Inspiration through music and song is inculcated in the young minds.

Art Room

To develop the ability to create out of imagination and skill.


To explore the vast world of knowledge and develop a curiosity in students to know more through the wonderful world of books.

Sport Activities at a Glance

Sportsmen are not born, but made

A Healthy Mind Resides In A Healthy Body. Thus Sport Is An Integral Part of Education. Sport Impact Healthy And Agility Of Mind In A Practical Manner on The Playground.
Playground Is A Place....................daring And Driven By Passion.
We Have Veterans Of Their Fields Supervising And Training The Students Themselves Providing Them With An Opportunity To Excel. Students Are Given The Opportunity To Meet Popular Sports Celebrities And Personalities At The School Premises As And When Arranged.

"Thinking is to the mind, As Exercise is to the Body"

In the arena of sports too, girls at Max Merry School, kundli excel and have brought laurels for the school. The school also provides a variety of sport activities which help them to develop a healthy body and inculcate in them sportsman and team spirit The school caters to the interest and talent of every individual by having provision for games like table tennis, badminton, basket ball, volley ball, throw ball, kho- kho, athletics, skating, judo, yoga, aerobics and last but not the least cricket. Thus, providing the students ample choice to sharpen their skills.

Latest Software (SMS Win)

Latest technologies are incorporated in the school to facilitate the learning process for students.


A facility extended to the students of the school to ensure a safe and relaxed commute between the school and home Shrinking the horizons between school and society

Rotary Club

To encourage humanitarian services in order to build goodwill and spread the message of peace. Excursions and educational trips: to encourage the students to explore the world through various educational trips and excursions

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